Why are Lubricants So important?

Why are Lubricants So important?

In todays World the Big role Plays Lubricant, so why do we need them? Today we will openly speak about how it feels with and without Lubricant why is it so important to have one always and what will happen in case you are not using it at all, lets dive into it with Nikita.Studios

With or Without? 

How often did you hear ,, We will have sex only if we use Lubricant “ if you think thats something unimportant you are wrongly, studies showed that using Lubricants make the feeling more prescious leading to wanting more and more, also it adds smoothness to sex so leading to different positions, if you can smoothly turn and touch then you can control or make your partner control the situation ( Link to Blog About Dominance ), also it makes sex more comfortable and safe, so for Women it feels much safer and calmer when using Lubricant

Type of Lubricants 

Now that we know its needed we want to choose the right one, and on Nikita.Studios we have the best choice for You ( Link ), but what types exacly can be Lubricants? Lets take a look
Water based Lubricants
It feels good, so if your skin is very sensitive then you can choose this one, also using toys + this type will make the feel of pleasure 10 times bigger 
Sillicone based Lubricants
You definitely wanted sex to last long, so silicones based lubricants are best for that choice also it meeds less reaplication which makes it first when choosing long lasting pleasure
Oil based Lubricants
If you want some play or action before sex, for example massage, this Lubricant type is for you, the feel of natural oil will make your sense of desire more better, and the sex will lead to better end, but be careful, using sex toys are not recommended while using this type of Lubricant

Using it First time

So you are now informed that its needed you chosed the right one and now you need to know how to actually use it
Nikita studios recommends to use wster based at first because its more begginer friendly, so first of all know that less is always better, meaning dont use the half of it at one time, you need a little bit on nipples on genital and if you prstcice anal play then consider using there too
Also you are not alone in this play, ask the oartner how it feels probably you need to make a difference, after several times of using you will find the perfect amount and areas to use it, and after that you can try different types

Lubricant + Sex Toy

So you have now Lubricant but you wsnt to make play mlre interesting, then listen up, toys are good to start with ( remember to use water based Lubricant in this case ) there are several factors why you should use them both
Less friction between skin and toy, while using Lubricant which minimizes the friction between them, make the feel of toy more valuable and better
Easy to clean everything, so if you had a problem of washing the toy after using it, with lubricamt you will make your task more easier 
The same type of toy and Lubricant are
 better, so if you are already familiar with Lubricants considered using sillicone type, then you definitely need sillicon tyoe toys, which you can find on NikitaStudios, such toys will match perfectly and sking will feel the pleasure that never before

History of Lubricants 

Okay with use of Lubricants we have information but how it all started? Lets have a look at it
The history of Lubricants are older than you think, inAncient greece there are first ever founded evidance of the lubricants from that period before twentieth century there where only Oil based natural Lubricamts which were made from fats of the animals, and which lead to more pleasure in Sex
In the early twentieth cetury the industry of sextech made its progression and first sillicone based lubricants where invented with first sillicone Vibrators, so using them together is not only the good idea but also understanding the concept of working then together
And finally in our century the needing in better sex became more popular and water based Lubricants where made which made pleasure more better and more memorisable
So in modern world the using of Libricants become more and more popular now you know how and which to use, dont forget that our best choise of Lubricants can be found Here, and also persfet tpys for them to make your sex time better here, and the history of that slime like thing is more deeper than you probably thought.
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